Interactive Christmas Tree

Interactive Christmas Tree Installation


In Dec 2019 Delhi Tourism, Govt. of Delhi, organised the Winter Carnival at the Garden of Five Senses celebrating the Christmas spirit. An Interactive Christmas Tree was planned to symbolise the togetherness of the community. Artillume conceptualised and built an imposing 20-feet tall sensor-based structure, a design-centric architectural marvel in its own right.

We pitched in with our knowledge of LED pixel-array and programmable lighting, perfectly synced to music. Programmed to light up in vibrant hues and patterns when people came together and stood on the pressure spots. When four or more people stood together, the Christmas Star lit up, and displayed over a 100 mesmerising designs. People across ages stood around the tree, and watched its illuminations radiate the colourful Christmas vibe and harmony.

  • Client – Artillume / Delhi Tourism
  • Location – Garden of Five Senses, New Delhi